Advert Examples

One fifth of a page advert

30 words maximum plus title
contact details
one photograph

£180 plus VAT

Two fifths of a page advert

40 words maximum plus title
contact details
up to 3 photographs

£360 plus VAT
OR client designed artwork (85mm x 73.5mm)

which must include a 5mm bleed.

Three fifths of a page advert

50 words maximum plus title
contact details
up to 4 photographs 

£540 plus VAT
OR client designed artwork (85mm x 110mm)

which must include a 5mm bleed.

Half page advert

Client supplied artwork (99mm x 105mm)
supplied as a print ready pdf file - which must include a 5mm bleed.   

£450 plus VAT

Client supplied artwork - should you require a bespoke advert that uses your own brand - as per the advert shown, we are happy to help - just email us to find out more...

Full page advert

Client supplied artwork (99mm x 200mm)
supplied as a print ready pdf file - which must include a 5mm bleed.   

£900 plus VAT

Client supplied artwork - should you require a bespoke advert that uses your own brand - as per the advert shown, we are happy to help - just email us to find out more...


Please include all photographs and logos that you wish to place in your advertisement.
Please note that images downloaded from websites are generally not acceptable for printed documents.
Below are examples of the MAXIMUM sizes of photographs required for different size adverts.

Fifth of a page advert
30mm x 30mm

Two fifths of a page advert
83mm x 40mm

Half page advert

83mm x 55mm
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